What is Online Gambling?

Online Gambling refers to gambling activities done over the internet, using a computer or mobile phone. It can be accessed through websites and apps that allow you to place a bet on sports, casino games, or pokies. It can be addictive and lead to gambling-related harms such as financial losses, family problems, and depression. There are also concerns that online gambling may encourage underage and vulnerable people to gamble. There are a number of ways that you can identify and respond to online gambling risk. Some of these include identifying early risk indicators, self-excluding from gambling sites, using content blockers, managing gambling triggers, finding alternative activities, seeking professional help, and treating underlying issues.

The most common way to access gambling services is through an online casino, which allows players to login and play against the house or other players. Most online casinos offer a range of responsible gambling settings, including loss-limits and time-out periods. These are designed to help players stay in control of their gambling behaviour and avoid chasing losses or spending too much time playing.

Some online casinos also offer self-exclusion periods, which allow players to lock their account for a period of months or years. This is often used by those who recognise they are developing a gambling problem and need extended time away from the game. It can also be useful for players who have a history of relapse.